Reviewed Scientific Journals Papanikolaou A., Y. Xing-Kaeding, J. Strobel, A. Kanellopoulou, G. Zaraphonitis, E. Tolo, “Numerical and Experimental Optimization Study on a Fast, Zero Emission Catamaran”. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, 657, doi:10.3390/jmse8090657, 2020. Bulian G., Cardinale M., Dafermos G., Lindroth D., Ruponen P., Zaraphonitis G. , Probabilistic assessment of damaged survivability of passenger ships in case of grounding or contact, , Ocean Engineering, Volume 218, 107396, ISSN 0029-8018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107396 , 2020. Kanellopoulou A., A. Kytariolou, A. Papanikolaou, V. Shigunov, G. Zaraphonitis, “Parametric ship design and optimisation of cargo vessels for efficiency and safe operation in adverse weather conditions”. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, P. 1-18 , 2019. Plessas T., A. Kanellopoulou, G. Zaraphonitis, A. Papanikolaou, V. Shigunov, “Exploration of design space and optimization of RoPax vessels and containerships in view of EEDI and safe operation in adverse sea conditions”. Journal of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 162, P. 1-20 , 2018. Margari V., A. Kanellopoulou, G. Zaraphonitis, 2018. “On the use of Artificial Neural Networks for the calm water resistance prediction of MARAD systematic series’ hullforms”. Journal of Ocean Engineering, Vol.165, P. 528-537 , 2018. Kanellopoulou A., A. Kytariolou, A. Papanikolaou, V. Shigunov, G. Zaraphonitis, “Parametric ship design and optimisation of cargo vessels for efficiency and safe operation in adverse weather conditions”. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, P. 1-18 , 2019. Papanikolaou, A., Hamann, R., Lee, B-S, Mains, C., Olufsen, O, Vassalos, D., Zaraphonitis, G., GOALDS - Goal Based Damage Ship Stability & Safety Standards for Passenger Ships, Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention, Elsevier, April 2013 (available online: 17-APR-2013 DOI information: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.04.006) Boulougouris, E., Papanikolaou, A., Risk-based design of naval combatants, Journal Ocean Engineering, 65 (2013) 49-61, Elsevier, 2013. Hirdaris S.E., W. Bai, D. Dessi, A. Ergin, X. Gue, O.A. Hermundstad, R. Huijsmans, K. Iijima, U.D. Nielsen, J. Parunov, N. Fonseca, A. Papanikolaou, K. Argyriadis, A. Incecik, Loads for use in the design of ships and offshore structures , Journal Ocean Engineering 11 , 2013. Spanos, D., Papanikolaou, A., On the time for the abandonment of flooded passenger ships due to collision damages, acc. for publication at the Journal Marine Science and Technology, December 2013. Papanikolaou, A., Boulougouris, E., Sklavenitis, A., The sinking of the Ro-Ron passenger ferry SS Heraklion, acc. for publication at the Journal International Shipbuilding Progress, December 2013. Spanos, D., Papanikolaou, A., On the Time Dependence of Survivability of ROPAX Ships, acc. for publication at the Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Springer Publishers, Tokyo, 2012. Eliopoulou, E., Papanikolaou, A., Diamantis, P., Hamann, R., Analysis of Tanker Accidents after OPA 90, acc. for publication at the Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (JEME), Elsevier Publ., 2012. Papatzanakis, G., Papanikolaou, A., Liu, S., Optimization of Routing considering Uncertainties, Journal of Marine Science Applications, Springer Publ., Harbin, 2012. Papanikolaou, A., Holistic ship design optimization: merchant and naval ships. Journal Ship Science and Technology, North America, Vol.5, No. 9, pages 9-26, March 2012, ISSN: 1909-8642, Available at: http://www.shipjournal.co/index.php/sst/article/view/48 . Liu, S., Papanikolaou, A., On nonlinear simulation methods and tools for evaluating the performance of ships and offshore structures in waves, accepted for publication at the Journal of Applied Mathematics, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, June 2012. Boulougouris, E., Papanikolaou, A., Ostvik, I, Brett, P-O, Konovessis, D., Logistics Based Design as an approach to ship and business development, Journal Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 48 (2012 ) 2241–2250, Elsevier. Breinholt, C., Ehrke, K-C., Papanikolaou, A., Sames, P., Skjong, R., Strang, T., Vassalos, D., Wittola, T., SAFEDOR: Development and implementation of risk-based approaches to ship design and approval, Journal Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 48(2012) 753-764, Elsevier. Papanikolaou, A., Hamann, R., Lee, B-S, Mains, C., Olufsen, O, Vassalos, D., Zaraphonitis, G., Goal-based ship stability and safety standards, Journal Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 48 ( 2012 ) 449 – 463, Elsevier Liu, S., Papanikolaou, A., Time-domain hybrid method for simulating large amplitude motions of ships advancing in waves, Int. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers of Korea, , Vol. 3, No.1, 2011. Boulougouris, E., Papanikolaou, A., Pavlou, A., Energy Efficiency Parametric Design Tool in the frame of Holistic Ship Design Optimization, acc. for publication at the Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, SAGE Publ., 2011. Papatzanakis, G., Papanikolaou, A., Liu, S., Optimization of Routing considering Uncertainties, acc. for publication at the Journal of Marine Science Applications, Springer Publ., Harbin, Dec. 2011. Papanikolaou, A, Zaraphonitis, G. Skoupas, S., Boulougouris, E., An Integrated Methodology for the Design of Ro-Ro Ships, accepted for publication at the Journal Ship Technology Research, 2010. Gkohari, C., Papanikolaou, A., Optimization of Ship design within an Integrated Multimodal Transport System, Journal of Ship Production-SNAME, Vol. 26, 1, pp. 47-59, Feb. 2010, ISBN 8756-1417, ISSN: 1542-0469. Papanikolaou, A., Zaraphonitis, G., Boulougouris, E., Langbecker, U., Matho, S., Sames, P., "Multi-Objective Optimization of Oil Tanker Design", accepted for publication at the Journal Marine Science and Technology, Springer Verlag, Tokyo, April 2010. Papanikolaou, A., Zaraphonitis, G., Skoupas, S., Boulougouris, E., An integrated methodology for the design of RoRo passenger ships, HANSA International Maritime Journal, 147. Volume, 2010. Francescutto, A., Papanikolaou, A., "Ship Buoyancy, Stability and Subdivision: From Archimedes to SOLAS 90 and the Way Ahead", accepted for publication at the Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (JEME), IMECHE, Oct. 2010. Liu, S., Papanikolaou, A., Zaraphonitis, G., Prediction of Added Resistance of Ships in Waves, Journal Ocean Engineering (2010), Elsevier Publisher, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2010.12.007. Boulougouris, E., Papanikolaou, A., Multi-objective Optimization of a Floating LNG Terminal, Journal Ocean Engineering, Elsevier Publishers, February 2008. Papanikolaou, A., Eliopoulou, E., Alissafaki, A., Mikelis, N., Aksu, S., Delautre, S., Casualty Analysis of AFRAMAX Tankers, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M, Vol. 221, pp. 47-66, May 2007. Boulougouris, E., Gohari, C, Papanikolaou, A, Ship Design Optimization in the Multimodal Logistics Framework, Proc. EAMARNET Int. Conference on Ship Design, Production and Operation, Harbin-China; also published in the Journal of HARBIN Engineering University, January 2007. Papanikolaou, A., Eliopoulou, E., On the Development of the New Harmonised Damage Stability Regulations for Dry Cargo and Passenger Ships, Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety (RESS), Elsevier Science, Vol. 93, 1305-1316, 2008. Eliopoulou, E., Papanikolaou, A., Casualty Analysis of Large Tankers, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 12, 240-250, Springer Publishers, 2007. Spanos, D., Papanikolaou, A., Numerical Simulation of Parametric Roll in Head Seas, Journal International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 54, 249-267, 2007. Servis, D., Voudouris, G., Samuelidis, M., Papanikolaou, A., ‘Finite Element Modelling and Strength Analysis of Hold No. 1 of Bulkcarriers’, Journal Marine Structures, Elsevier, 2004. Papanikolaou, A., Spanos, D., Boulougouris, E., Eliopoulou, E., Alissafaki, A., ‘Investigation into the Sinking of the Ro- Ro Passenger Ferry Express Samina’, Journal International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2004. Boulougouris, V., Papanikolaou, A., Zaraphonitis, G., ‘Optimization of Arrangements of Ro-Ro Passenger Ships with Genetic Algorithms’, Journal Ship Technology Research, Vol. 51, No. 3, 2004. Zaraphonitis, G., Papanikolaou, A., ‘On the numerical prediction of seakeeping and of structural loads of high-speed vessels’, Journal Applied Ocean Research, Elsevier Publ, Vol. 26 (2004), 274-287. Ravn, E, Jensen, J., Baatrup, J., Papanikolaou, A., Zaraphonitis, G., Eliopoulou, E., Vassalos. D., Tuzcu, C., Santos, T, Ferreira, S., Soares, C., "Robustness of the Probabilistic Damage Stability Concept to the Degree of Details of Subdivision", Journal Ship Technology Research, Vol. 49, H. 4, pp. 151-159. Ginnis A.I. and Kaklis P.D., "C2 Cubic Spline Interpolation under Geometric Boundary Conditions", CAGD, 19, no. 5, 2002, pp. 345-363. Papanikolaou, A., "Developments and Potential of Advanced Marine Vehicles Concepts", Journal KANSAI Soc. of Naval Architects, 2002. Tagg, R., Bartzis, P., Papanikolaou, A., Spyrou, K., Luetzen, M., "Updated Vertical Extent of Collision Damage", Journal Marine Structures, Vol. 15, pp. 475-498, 2002. Vassalos, D., Papanikolaou, A., "Stockholm Agreement - Past, Present, Future (Part 1)", Journal Marine Technology, Vol. 39, No. 3, July 2002, pp. 137-158. Vassalos, D., Papanikolaou, A., "Stockholm Agreement - Past, Present, Future (Part 2)", Journal Marine Technology, Vol. 39, No. 4, Oct. 2002, pp. 199-210. Karavelas M.I. and Kaklis P.D., "Spatial Shape - Preserving Interpolation Using v-splines", Numerical Algorithms, 23, 2000, pp. 217-250. Papanikolaou, A., Spyrou, K., Boulougouris, E., 'Improved Guidance to the Master for Avoiding Dangerous Situations in Extreme Weather Conditions', 1st joint Prize Award at the Annual Safer Ship Competition organized by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), Dec. 1999, publ. Summary at the Journal Naval Architect, July 2000. Gabrielides N.C. and Kaklis P.D., "C4 Interpolatory Shape - Preserving Polynomial Splines of Variable Degree"', Computing (Supplement), 14, 2001, pp. 119-154. Spanos, D., Papanikolaou, A., "On the Stability of Fishing Vessels with Trapped Water on Deck", Journal Ship Technology Research, Vol. 48, 2001. Koras G.D. and Kaklis P.D., "Convexity Conditions for Parametric Tensor-Product B-Spline Surfaces"', Advances in Computational Mathematics, 10, 1999, pp. 291-309. Papakirillou, A., Rissaki, S., Papanikolaou, A., "HSC Code and Impact on Design", Journal Safety at Sea, London, March 1999. Papanikolaou, A., Boulougouris, E., "Design Aspects of Survivability of Surface Naval and Merchant Ships", in Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability, Elsevier Publishers, September 1999, Oxford. Papanikolaou, A., Spanos, D., Zaraphonitis, G., "Simulation of Large Amplitude Ship Motions and of Capsizing in High Seas", in Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability, Elsevier Publishers, September 1999. Papanikolaou, A., Vagias, A., "Simulation of Large Amplitude Ship Motions by Hybrid Computing Tools", Journal International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 46, No. 447, 1999. Pigounakis K.G. and Kaklis P.D., "Fairing of 2D B- splines under Design Constraints", Mathematical Engineering in Industry, 7, no. 2, 1999, pp.165-178. Kaklis P.D. and Koras G.D., "A Quadratic-Programming Method for Removing Shape-Failures from Tensor-Product B-Spline Surfaces", Computing (Supplement), 13, 1998, pp.177-188. Papanikolaou, A. "Innovative High Speed Hull Designs", Journal Ship Operator, 1998. Papanikolaou, A., Dafnias, N., "Re-optimisation of the Hull Form of a Fast Displacement Catamaran Ferry", Journal Schiffstechnik - Ship Technology Research, November 1998. Kaklis P.D. and Karavelas M.I., "Shape - Preserving Interpolation in R3", IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 17, no. 3, 1997, pp.373-419. Kaklis P.D. and Ginnis A.I., "Sectional-Curvature Preserving Skinning Surfaces", CAGD, 13, no. 7, 1996, pp. 601-619. Pigounakis K.G. and Kaklis P.D., "Convexity-Preserving Fairing'", CAD, 28, no. 12, 1996, pp. 981-994. Pigounakis K.G., Sapidis N.S. and Kaklis P.D., "Fairing Spatial B-spline Curves", Journal of Ship Research, 40, no. 4, 1996, pp. 351-367. Kaklis P.D. and Sapidis N.S., "Convexity - Preserving Interpolatory Parametric Splines of Non - Uniform Polynomial Degree", CAGD, 12, 1995, pp.1-26. Sapidis N.S. and Kaklis P.D., "A Hybrid Method for Shape - Preserving Interpolation with Curvature - Continuous Quintic Splines"', Computing (Supplement), 10, 1995, pp. 285-301. Umeda N., Hamamoto M., Takaishi Y., Chiba Y., Matsuda A., Sera W., Suzuki S., Spyrou K.J., Watanabe K., "Model experiments of ship capsize in astern seas", Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Tokyo, 177, 1995, pp. 207-218. Kaklis P.D., "Automatic Hull Lines Smoothness'", (in Greek), Technica Chronica Sc. Journal of the Tech. Chamber of Greece, 14, issue 3, 1994, pp. 59-88. Kaklis P.D. and Sapidis N.S., "Curvature - Sign - Type Boundary Conditions in Polynomial Cubic - Spline Interpolation", CAGD, 11, 1994, pp. 425-450. Papanikolaou, Á., Kariambas, Å., "Optimization of the Preliminary Design and Cost Evaluation of Fishing Vessels", Journal Ship Technology Research - Schiffstechnik, Vol. 41, March 1994. Zaraphonitis, G., Papanikolaou, "Second-Order Theory and Calculation of Motion and Load of Arbitrarily Shaped 3D Bodies in Waves" Journal Marine Structures, Vol. 6, pp. 165-185, 1993, (United Kingdom). Nowacki H., Kaklis P.D. and Weber J., "Curve Mesh Fairing and G2 Surface Interpolation", Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (Modelisation Mathematique et Analyse Numerique), 26, no. 1, 1992, pp.113 - 135. Papanikolaou, Á., Schellin, Th., "Á Three Dimensional Panel Method for Motions and Loads of Ships with Forward Speed", Journal Schiffstechnik - Ship Technology Research, Vol. 39, Íï. 4, pp.147-156,1992. Papanikolaou, Á., Zaraphonitis, G., Androulakakis, Ì., "Preliminary Design of a High-Speed SWATH Passenger Car/ Ferry", Journal Marine Technology, SNAME, Vol. 28, Íï. 3, ññ.129-141, May 1991. Papanikolaou, Á., "Note on Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Free-Surface Flows Generated by a Heaving Body of Arbitrary Cross Section", Comment on paper by Venkat, Í.Ê., and Spaulding, M.L., Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 35, Íï. 3,1991. Kaklis P.D. and Pantelis D.G., "Convexity - Preserving Polynomial Splines of Non - uniform Degree", IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 10, 1990, pp.223-234. Kaklis P.D., Athanassoulis G.A., "The low-frequency heaving motion of a cylinder on the free surface of a liquid", SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 49, No. 2, April 1989, pp. 373-389. Papanikolaou, Á., "Hydrodynamic Aspects and Conceptual Design of a SWATH-Passenger/Car Ferry", Journal Technica Italiana, Vol. 52,1988. Papanikolaou, Á., "On the Solution of the Quasi-Third Order Problem of Two - Dimensional Cylinders in Forced Motion", Journ. Kansai Soc. Íáíál Arch., Íï.210, pp.101-133, Sept.1988. Sapidis N.S. and Kaklis P.D., "An Algorithm for Constructing Convexity - and Monotonicity - Preserving Splines in Tension'", CAGD (Computer Aided Geometric Design), 5, 1988, pp.127-137. Sapidis N.S., Kaklis P.D. and Loukakis T.A., "A Method for Computing the Tension Parameters in Convexity - Preserving Spline - in - Tension Interpolation", Numerische Mathematik, 54, 1988, pp. 179-192. Papanikolaou, Á., Zaraphonitis, G., "Ïn an Improved Method for the Evaluation of Second-Order Motions and Loads on 3D Floating Bodies in Waves", Journal Schiffstechnik, Vol. 34, pp.170-211,1987. Papanikolaou, Á., Zaraphonitis, G., "Computer-Aided Simulations of Large Amplitude Roll Motions of Ships in Waves and of Dynamic Stability", Journal Int. Shipb. Progress, Vol. 34,pp. 198-206, Nov. 1987. Papanikolaou, Á., "On Integral-Equation-Methods for the Evaluation of Motions and Loads of Arbitrary Bodies in Waves", Journal Ingenieur - Archiv., Vol. 55,1985, pp.17-29. Papanikolaou, Á., "On Calculations of Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Effects in Ship Motions", Journal Schiffstechnik, Vol. 31, 3, 1984, pp. 88-128. Papanikolaou, Á., "Hydrodynamic Coefficients for the Linear Oscillations of Floating Cylinders", Journal Schiffstechnik, Vïl. 27, 1980, pp. 127-168. Papanikolaou, Á., "Potential Theory of Second Order for Cylinders Oscillating Vertically", Journal Schiffstechnik, Vïl. 25, 1978, pp. 53-80. Papanikolaou, Á., "Ïn the Solution of the Nonlinear Problem of Waves of Finite Amplitude on Water of Limited Depth by the Method of Perturbation", Journal Schiffstechnik, Vïl. 23,1976, pp. 63-84. |